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He is currently directing the Avengers movie.Never use women as just eye candy: DC women are badass, totally able to stand her ground and so far they had done an excellent job.And he has this gauntlet that can like kill all the avengers.Thanks so much.And I understand with perfect clarity exactly what you are.His fan-base is incredibly large and supportive, helping Joss and his collaborators raise money for multiple charities like Equality Now, Kids Need to Read, the Lupus Foundation of America, the Dyslexia Foundation, the Al Wooten Jr.Lois Lane in Man of Steel and Batman v Superman is more than a great example.Joss created the scene with body doubles.I love what you are, what you do, how you try.Here you will find mostly pictures, but also videos, announcements of upcoming projects, and occasional random tidbits about these lovely actresses. EN SAVOIR PLUS >>>















Joss-whedon | Tumblr

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Image source: 2.bp.blogspot.com

It’s about the thing Tony said in this scene, at 0:36: Instead of.I hate these directors who think they’re BETTER than the material they’re working with, yknow. - is forever dead to me now.I also hate the way her and Bruce's relationship ended. Heck, I would scream if Clintasha became canon with scenes like that, because they were so stupid and full of OOC lines.Like this was where I first saw positive female role models (Padme, Leia and Aayla in particular) as a child and that meant a lot to me.That ship is most definitely never going to be canon, but the characters played off each other really well and they had great chemistry so I ship it. Their relationship, friendship, is a standout in every movie where they share screen time.It could’ve been the main villain of an entire phase of movies.Age of ultron is a pretty worthless movie.I wanted to say something about this joke in aou, because it makes no sense.Like the entire movie was brimming with racism and the story was super lame.Now we did get Vision, Klaw, and that moment where Cap almost lifted Mjolnir.


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Image source: img.buzzfeed.com


Trump contesting the election will be a very short one.He appealed to hate and divisiveness, and he’ll lose, and if he tries to commit actual treason, he will go to actual prison.We have to look for the roots of things, the experiences that made people believe what they believe.We have to talk TO each other and not AT each other.The rest of us have a loooong talk ahead of us.We have so much to change, fix, improve, figure out - and no one has an absolute answer. Race, Gender - we’re already talking about these things in a new way.But it’s out there.Is it simply arising from the same causes, or possibly a contributor to an aura of legitimacy and acceptance of strongman simple solutions?Superhero stories are on some level fascistic.And we need some system for separating facts and journalism from sensationalist fictions. Joss-whedon.

AgentNico REVIEWS - Joss Whedon Projects Ranked (Worst to Best)

Which is why this show got cancelled after 2 seasons.I.H.I mean, his love for what he does and his unique approach to whatever he does is simply admirable.That’s not to say that his work with Marvel was bad, no it was brilliant, but his talent lies in projects where he works from his heart.Anyways, this is what first introduced me to the world of Joss Whedon, so for me this will always be the No 1 of his works for me.D.E.However when I found out that Joss Whedon was making a horror film, I had to take my anti-horror rule aside for once, since this is Whedon we’re talking about, so it was pretty much a guarantee that he cooked up something special.I mean, this whole thing can be rewatched so many times, that’s how brilliant it is.The pacing was off and the story was weak.L.I.The first season of this show wasn’t that good. IN JOSS WE TRUST.


Joss Whedon's 'Wonder Woman' screenplay is... - Hello, Tailor

(Especially their feet.).Costume design, TV and movie reviewer at HelloTailor.It starts an ongoing theme of lurid descriptions of women’s appearances.One scene takes place in a nightclub, where Diana confronts the villain by doing a sexy dance until he notices.Rather than focusing on Diana’s strength and compassion, she’s portrayed as arrogant and clueless, perpetually disrespected by every man in the film.Co-host of Overinvested, a podcast about pop culture obsessions.Diana’s introduction is the first warning sign, describing her “curvaceous” body instead of her thoughts or personality.In other words, he’s a typical Whedon stand-in like Topher Brink in Dollhouse, designed to be funny yet pathetic, with a desire to humiliate powerful women before they inevitably humiliate him.The villain is Joss Whedon.

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Image source: i.pinimg.com

And who could forget Kaylee of Firefly who was the engineer that kept the Firefly up and running.Marti Noxon was the strongest writer other than Joss and held the most responsibility, even assuming the role of executive producer in season 6 (while still writing)- he also supported her directing aspirations when she went behind the camera for the episode “Into the Woods”. Marvel to be featured in the end of Age of Ultron which the studio also rejected.For whatever Joss’ shortcomings are, he’s got far more positive qualities to his work that are, at the moment, heinously under-recognized.He also went on to say that toy manufacturers often circumvent the presence of females in superhero films, fearing they won’t sell.As a matter in fact, for those of you accusing him of leaving Black Widow underdeveloped, I would care to wager that the studio has interfered with his focus on the character as well.We need equality.Worse yet, people without familiarity or deep knowledge of his work cosign on it without any further observation just for the sake of pseudo-righteousness.

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Joss Whedon Projects Ranked

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Image source: www.dcplanet.fr


Favoris printemps-été 2014

A sweeping epic of blah blah.

Joss Whedon Projects Ranked (Worst to Best) Following the news that Whedon finally seems to be recovering after going through all of that stress of making ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ and announcing that....

Joss Whedon's 'Wonder Woman' screenplay is mindblowingly sexist https://www.dailydot.com/parsec/joss-whedon-wonder-woman-sexist-screenplay/?tu=gav Joss Whedon’s 2006 Wonder Woman screenplay leaked...

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